Doug received his B.A. from Colby College in 2010, majoring in Classics and Classical Studies. It was as an undergraduate where he first began work at the Mitrou Archaeological Project, a Bronze-Age site located in Tragana, Greece. Doug also studied in Rome, Italy in 2008, where he focused his studies in Roman Imperial poetry and early Augustan History. Since graduating, he has taught the International Baccalaureate Latin program at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, MA.
Doug’s research interests broadly focus on Roman History, more specifically social attitudes during the transitional period from the Late Republic to Early Empire. His main research goal is to track the change in Roman attitudes of luxury, as well as the evolution of Roman feasting and dining during the shift from Republic to Empire. Through this research, Doug hopes to examine Rome’s social attitudes and directly compare them to modern views as our current social scape continues to be redefined.