Giulia Bonasio completed her PhD in Classical Studies at Columbia University in February 2019 with a dissertation entitled Happiness and Superlative Value in the Eudemian Ethics (sponsor: Katja Vogt). During her PhD, she received a DAAD fellowship (2016) for studying at the Munich School of Ancient Philosophy and a Chateaubriand Fellowship (2018) for doing dissertation research at Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne. At Columbia University, she served as Preceptor in Contemporary Civilization in the Core Curriculum.
She is now a faculty fellow at the University of King’s College in Halifax, and is also affiliated with the Classics Department at Dalhousie University. In January 2021, she will join the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University as Assistant Professor in Classics (Ancient Philosophy). Giulia’s areas of specialization are ancient philosophy, ethics and moral psychology. Her current bookproject focuses on the virtues of thinking and the unity of the virtues in Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics. On the unity of the virtues, she has recently published a paper in Apeiron (2019) entitled Kalokagathia and the unity of the virtues in the Eudemian Ethics. She is also working on a project on naturalism and natural goods in Aristotle’s ethics.
In addition to her interest in Aristotle, she has research interests in Plato’s Symposium, Republic and Philebus,in Epicurean philosophy and in Greek lyric poetry. She is fascinated by ancient cosmology and by the sublime in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. Besides ancient philosophy, she has done research on Greek tragedy, emotions in antiquity, contemporary aesthetic theories, and on the senses of being in Heidegger and Brentano. She taught introduction to philosophy, Greek tragedy, Greek history, Latin, and Contemporary Civilization. She is currently teaching in the Foundation Year Program at King’s College (a great books course on philosophy and literature from antiquity to the present).
To find out more about Giulia’s research and teaching, visit her personal website website.