Evan Jewell graduated from the Classical Studies Ph.D. program in May 2019 with a dissertation entitled, Youth and Power: Roman Performances of Age and Ageing from Plautus to Nero (Chair: Professor Francesco de Angelis; Committee: Professors Kristina Milnor, Gareth Williams, Seth Schwartz; external examiner: Professor Harriet Flower). In 2019-20 he held the position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics at Georgetown University, where he taught primarily Roman history and Latin language classes, as well as beginning work on developing his first monograph and a number of article length projects arising from the dissertation. From Fall 2020, he is an Assistant Professor of History in the Department of History, Rutgers University– Camden. He has published on oratory, politics and exempla in the late Roman Republic, Roman colonization as an act of domestic displacement, and the emperor Nero's youth and bearded portraiture. He is also co-editor (with Elena Isayev) of a volume, Displacement and the Humanities: Manifestos from the Ancient to the Present, which seeks to bring together ancient and contemporary perspectives of displacement (forced migration, refugeehood) in an open-access, dialogic platform. You can find out more about his work at his personal website: www.evanjewell.net