Initiatives & Events

Classical Dialogues

Virgilian Geopoetics, or the Emotional Science of Geography

  • Virgilian Geopoetics, or the Emotional Science of Geography
    Alessandro Barchiesi New York University
    April 13, 2018 - April 13, 2018
    11:00am - 1:00pm -

    Columbia University
Virgilian Geopoetics, or the Emotional Science of Geography
Alessandro Barchiesi
New York University

As part of its Classical Dialogues series, the Classical Studies Graduate Program CLST at Columbia University is pleased to welcome Alessandro Barchiesi from NYU. On April 13, 2018, 11am-1pm, Alessandro Barchiesi will discuss his recent article, “Colonial Readings in Virgilian Geopoetics: The Trojans at Buthrotum”. Location: Schermerhorn Hall 934, Columbia University. 

In its Classical Dialogues series, the interdepartmental Classical Studies Graduate Program CLST at Columbia University invites authors of recent work in ancient studies that is exemplary for the kind of study that CLST aims to foster. All faculty and students at  Columbia and beyond are cordially invited. CLST students are required to read carefully at least one chapter or article in advance and prepare questions and comments for discussion.