Initiatives & Events

Classical Dialogues

Ancient Eudaimonism and Modern Morality

Ancient Eudaimonism and Modern Morality
Julia Annas
University of Arizona

As part of its Classical Dialogues series, the Classical Studies Graduate Program CLST at Columbia University is pleased to welcome Julia Annas, Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona. On September 28, 11am-1pm, Julia Annas will discuss her contribution on ancient eudaimonism and modern morality in the Cambrige Companion to Ancient Ethics, ed. by C. Bobonich (CUP 2017). Commentators Giulia Bonasio (Columbia University) and Mariana Noé (Columbia University). Location: Schermerhorn Hall 807, Columbia University. Please see below Professor Annas’ description of the project.

When we study ancient ethics, we inevitably find ourselves thinking in terms of morality - but there are strong reasons for thinking that the ancient thinkers themselves did not have morality in their conceptual repertoire. We can deal with this by either praising or blaming the ancients for not thinking in terms of morality - or we can make use of the ancient perspective in thinking about, and investigating, morality as we understand it.

In its Classical Dialogues series, the interdepartmental Classical Studies Graduate Program CLST at Columbia University invites authors of recent work in ancient studies that is exemplary for the kind of study that CLST aims to foster. All faculty and students at  Columbia and beyond are cordially invited. CLST students are required to read carefully at least one chapter or article in advance and prepare questions and comments for discussion.